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  • How to Buy an IDs?

    Once on the website
    1. on the option PRODUCTS Choose your ID among the Elite, Elite Slim, Sport or Slim.

    2. Then click on CUSTOMIZE YOUR ID, there you will choose the color, which are on the ID’s right side… after that choose the size and click on BUY (below).

    3. Start to fill the lines with the information you want to display on your ID. Keep in mind each line can have a Max of 23 characters. (Spaces count)

    4. Click on BUY and you are presented with 2 options: Complete purchase if you want only 1 ID or continue Shopping in case you want to add more.

    5. After you click on Complete purchase you will need to fill in some Information about yourself and after that, the delivery information.

    6. And to finish up you choose a payment method.

    * Si la forma de pago es consignación puedes utilizar una de estas dos opciones:
    A) Puedes realizar la Transferencia Electrónica desde un cajero automatico o PAC de BANCOLOMBIA, o inscribir la cuenta de ahorros # 37947187725 Movilid SAS NIT 900879012
    B) Puedes consignar en una oficina de BANCOLOMBIA con un formato de FIDUCUENTA # 0379000003298 a nombre de MÓVIL ID SAS con Nit 900879012 En cualquiera de las dos opciones una vez tengas el compobante de pago por favor enviar copia (imagen) al whats app de las lineas 3013500000 o 3013900000 *UNA VEZ SE VERIFIQUE EL PAGO LA MANILLA TE LLEGARÁ EN DOS DÍAS (Condiciones normales de transporte).

  • How long does Delivery Take?

    Delivery is done through FedEx and takes from 4 to 5 Business Days after Payment has been verified.

  • What are the differences between an Elite, Elite Slim, Sport, or Slim ID?

    • The ELITE ID is made in silicon, and has a watch like clasp, the silicon band is 18 mm wide.
    • The ELITE Slim ID also has a watch like clasp but it’s width of only 11 mm.
    • The SLIM ID is 11 mm wide, has no clasp, is a full silicone bracelet and coms in sizes:
      • XS for small children between 2 and 3 years.
      • S for kids between 4 and 10 years.
      • M, very liked among adult women.
      • L, large enough to fit adult men.
    • The Sport ID is weaved and uses Velcro instead of a clasp.

  • What can I write?

    You can write anything you like, but we suggest you write information that can come in Handy in an emergency. The information you write could adapt to your personal situation.

    Here are a few examples:

    1. Your name and last name.
    2. Blood type and ID for Example: BT O+ SS.1111111111
    3. Contact and Phone to call in case of emergency. Example WIFE 3155555511
    4. A second Contact in case the first one doesn’t pick up or is unavailable. Example: FATHER 3000000031
    5. Your health insurance if you have one.
    6. Can be a condition like Diabetic, hypertension, allergies, Organ donor
    Remember each line can only take up to 23 characters, and blank spaces also count.

  • Does the information get eventually erased?

    We use a laser to mark the stainless-Steel plate guaranteeing that it won’t get erased with everyday use. We understand the importance of your ID and that’s why the plate has a lifetime guarantee in the case your information gets erased.

  • What are these IDs for?

    In case something bad happens to you, fall down and hit your head, you get hit by a car, heart attack, are unable to speak, amnesia, somehow find yourself lost, alone, unable to communicate with nobody you know around, in any of these situations you will have an ID so whoever finds you will know who to contact, or how to help you.

  • What are your business hours?

    The website is up 24/7. Our Business Hours are Monday through Friday 7:30 am to 6:00 pm GMT-5; Once the payment for your order is verified the delivery should be carried out in the following 4 to 5 business days.

  • Can I Purchase the parts separately?

    Yes, if you wish to change your silicone band for a different color, the information on your plate or your clasp, you can do it go to PRODUCTS, ACCESORIES there you choose the parts from the reference you use.